Saturday, August 1, 1953 - Giant Checkers in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, seen on the cover of Maclean’s, August 1, 1953, by Franklin (Archie) Arbuckle (bio). In the 1940s and ’50s, he produced more than 100 covers for Maclean’s (source: Canada through the eyes of Arbuckle).

Update! Film footage of men playing checkers has been spotted in this ONF-NFB film from 1954; cue the film to 6:50. The film is in French, mais alors, c’est ça!

Giant Checkers in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, seen on the cover of
Maclean’s, August 1, 1953, by Franklin (Archie) Arbuckle (
bio). In the 1940s and ’50s,
he produced more than 100 covers for Maclean’s (source:
Canada through the eyes of Arbuckle).

Update! Film footage of men playing checkers has been spotted in this ONF-NFB
film from 1954;
cue the film to 6:50. The film is in French, mais alors, c’est ça!
